[Freeipa-users] strange error when running "ipa help topics"
Chris Dagdigian
2017-04-11 18:31:32 UTC
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Rob Crittenden
2017-04-11 21:25:10 UTC
Never seen this one before, any hints?
testidm]# ipa help topics
ipa: ERROR: error marshalling data for XML-RPC transport: message: need
a <type 'unicode'>; got 'No valid Negotiate header in server response'
(a <type 'str'>)
What version of client and what version of server?

Newer clients fetch the schema from the server in order to build the
parameters. Looks like that retrieval is failing for some reason.

You can add a few -v's to the ipa command to provide more details on
what is being sent and received, e.g. ipa -vvv help topics

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