[Freeipa-users] SSSD dyndns_update on machine with multiple IP address
David Goudet
2017-03-27 16:34:24 UTC

Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host DNS entry with these two IP address.

To reproduce the problem:
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1

ip addr list:
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-

In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?

dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.

Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs enabled on client machine?
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?

My environment is:
Client: Centos 7.2
FreeIPA server: Centos 6.7

SSSD configuration on client:

cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
ipa_domain = <DOMAIN>
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
chpass_provider = ipa
dyndns_update = True
ipa_server = _srv_, ds01.<SUBDOMAIN1>, ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>
dns_discovery_domain = <DOMAIN>

Named FreeIPA logs:
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#36331: updating zone '<DNS ZONE>/IN': deleting rrset at '<hostname><DNS ZONE>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: update_record (psearch) failed, dn 'idnsName=2,idnsname=<DNSZONE>.in-addr.arpa.,cn=dns,dc=yyy,dc=xxx' change type 0x4. Records can be outdated, run `rndc reload`: not found
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone <SUBDOMAIN3>/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490615011)
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#46187: updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': deleting rrset at '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' AAAA
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#54691: updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': adding an RR at '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#54691: updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': adding an RR at '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone <DNSZONE>.in-addr.arpa/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490627037)
Mar 27 17:04:02 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone <SUBDOMAIN3>/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490627038)

SSSD trace log on client during sssd restart:
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [ipa_dyndns_update_send] (0x0400): Performing update
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): reusing cached connection
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_id_op_destroy] (0x4000): releasing operation connection
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_is_address] (0x4000): [<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>] does not look like an IP address
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_dns_query] (0x0100): Trying to resolve A record of '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' in DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_request_timeout] (0x2000): Scheduling a timeout of 6 seconds
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_timeout_watcher] (0x2000): Scheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [unschedule_timeout_watcher] (0x4000): Unscheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_dns_parse] (0x1000): Parsing an A reply
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [request_watch_destructor] (0x0400): Deleting request watch
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_is_address] (0x4000): [<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>] does not look like an IP address
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_dns_query] (0x0100): Trying to resolve AAAA record of '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' in DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_request_timeout] (0x2000): Scheduling a timeout of 6 seconds
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_timeout_watcher] (0x2000): Scheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [unschedule_timeout_watcher] (0x4000): Unscheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [request_watch_destructor] (0x0400): Deleting request watch
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_next] (0x0200): No more address families to retry
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_next] (0x0100): No more hosts databases to retry
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_dyndns_addrs_diff] (0x1000): Address on localhost only: -IP2-
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_dyndns_dns_addrs_done] (0x0400): Detected IP addresses change, will perform an update
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [nsupdate_msg_create_common] (0x0200): Creating update message for realm [<DOMAIN>].
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_create_fwd_msg] (0x0400): -- Begin nsupdate message --
realm <DOMAIN>
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in A
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in AAAA
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP2-
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP1-
-- End nsupdate message --
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [nsupdate_msg_create_common] (0x0200): Creating update message for server [ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>] and realm [<DOMAIN>].
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_create_fwd_msg] (0x0400): -- Begin nsupdate message --
server ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>
realm <DOMAIN>
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in A
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in AAAA
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP2-
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP1-
-- End nsupdate message --
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [child_handler_setup] (0x2000): Setting up signal handler up for pid [20631]
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [child_handler_setup] (0x2000): Signal handler set up for pid [20631]
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [write_pipe_handler] (0x0400): All data has been sent!
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [nsupdate_child_stdin_done] (0x1000): Sending nsupdate data complete
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_args] (0x0200): nsupdate auth type: GSS-TSIG

Thank you for your help!

IT Operations service
Tel : +33 (0)5 32 09 09 74 | Poste : 574
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Jakub Hrozek
2017-03-27 19:40:45 UTC
Post by David Goudet
Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host DNS entry with these two IP address.
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-
In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?
dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.
Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs enabled on client machine?
Looks like this was a deliberate change:
but to be honest, I forgot why exactly we did this. Martin, do you know?
Post by David Goudet
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?
Only if the IP addresses are of different families (v4/v6), then it's
possible to restrict one of the families.
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Martin Basti
2017-03-28 10:15:45 UTC
Post by Jakub Hrozek
Post by David Goudet
Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host DNS entry with these two IP address.
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-
In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?
dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.
Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs enabled on client machine?
IIRC we added this to support multiple interfaces (user can choose which
one to use) and to update both IPv6 (AAAA) and IPv4 (A) records.

IPA/SSSD cannot reliably determine which IP address to use, it is all or
none from interface. With the previous behavior users want to use
different/more addresses than the one which has been detected from LDAP
connection and it was not possible previously.

Do you have set dyndns_iface in sssd.conf?

Post by Jakub Hrozek
but to be honest, I forgot why exactly we did this. Martin, do you know?
Post by David Goudet
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?
Only if the IP addresses are of different families (v4/v6), then it's
possible to restrict one of the families.
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Go to http://freeipa.or
David Goudet
2017-04-17 17:42:34 UTC

Nobody has response about my questions?

The main question is: Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS (option dyndns_update) with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,
Post by David Goudet
Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host DNS entry with these two IP address.
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-
In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?
dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.
Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs enabled on client machine?
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?
Client: Centos 7.2
FreeIPA server: Centos 6.7
cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
ipa_domain = <DOMAIN>
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
chpass_provider = ipa
dyndns_update = True
ipa_server = _srv_, ds01.<SUBDOMAIN1>, ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>
dns_discovery_domain = <DOMAIN>
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#36331: updating zone '<DNS ZONE>/IN': deleting rrset at '<hostname><DNS ZONE>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: update_record (psearch) failed, dn 'idnsName=2,idnsname=<DNSZONE>.in-addr.arpa.,cn=dns,dc=yyy,dc=xxx' change type 0x4. Records can be outdated, run `rndc reload`: not found
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone <SUBDOMAIN3>/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490615011)
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#46187: updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': deleting rrset at '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' AAAA
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#54691: updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': adding an RR at '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: client -IP1-#54691: updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': adding an RR at '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone <DNSZONE>.in-addr.arpa/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490627037)
Mar 27 17:04:02 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone <SUBDOMAIN3>/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490627038)
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [ipa_dyndns_update_send] (0x0400): Performing update
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): reusing cached connection
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_id_op_destroy] (0x4000): releasing operation connection
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_is_address] (0x4000): [<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>] does not look like an IP address
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_dns_query] (0x0100): Trying to resolve A record of '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' in DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_request_timeout] (0x2000): Scheduling a timeout of 6 seconds
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_timeout_watcher] (0x2000): Scheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [unschedule_timeout_watcher] (0x4000): Unscheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_dns_parse] (0x1000): Parsing an A reply
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [request_watch_destructor] (0x0400): Deleting request watch
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_is_address] (0x4000): [<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>] does not look like an IP address
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_dns_query] (0x0100): Trying to resolve AAAA record of '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' in DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_request_timeout] (0x2000): Scheduling a timeout of 6 seconds
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [schedule_timeout_watcher] (0x2000): Scheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [unschedule_timeout_watcher] (0x4000): Unscheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [request_watch_destructor] (0x0400): Deleting request watch
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_next] (0x0200): No more address families to retry
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_next] (0x0100): No more hosts databases to retry
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_dyndns_addrs_diff] (0x1000): Address on localhost only: -IP2-
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_dyndns_dns_addrs_done] (0x0400): Detected IP addresses change, will perform an update
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [nsupdate_msg_create_common] (0x0200): Creating update message for realm [<DOMAIN>].
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_create_fwd_msg] (0x0400): -- Begin nsupdate message --
realm <DOMAIN>
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in A
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in AAAA
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP2-
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP1-
-- End nsupdate message --
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [nsupdate_msg_create_common] (0x0200): Creating update message for server [ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>] and realm [<DOMAIN>].
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_create_fwd_msg] (0x0400): -- Begin nsupdate message --
server ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>
realm <DOMAIN>
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in A
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in AAAA
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP2-
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP1-
-- End nsupdate message --
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [child_handler_setup] (0x2000): Setting up signal handler up for pid [20631]
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [child_handler_setup] (0x2000): Signal handler set up for pid [20631]
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [write_pipe_handler] (0x0400): All data has been sent!
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [nsupdate_child_stdin_done] (0x1000): Sending nsupdate data complete
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_args] (0x0200): nsupdate auth type: GSS-TSIG
Thank you for your help!
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Martin Bašti
2017-04-19 10:31:03 UTC
Post by David Goudet
Nobody has response about my questions?
The main question is: Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS
(option dyndns_update) with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list
or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Post by David Goudet
Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client
machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on
network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host
DNS entry with these two IP address.
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After
restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-
In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP
connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP
address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP
address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?
dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update
the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of
the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.
Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs
enabled on client machine?
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address
"primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server
communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?
Client: Centos 7.2
FreeIPA server: Centos 6.7
cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
ipa_domain = <DOMAIN>
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
chpass_provider = ipa
dyndns_update = True
ipa_server = _srv_, ds01.<SUBDOMAIN1>, ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>
dns_discovery_domain = <DOMAIN>
updating zone '<DNS ZONE>/IN': deleting rrset at '<hostname><DNS
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: update_record
(psearch) failed, dn
change type 0x4. Records can be outdated, run `rndc reload`: not found
sending notifies (serial 1490615011)
updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': deleting rrset at
'<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' AAAA
updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': adding an RR at
'<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' A
updating zone '<SUBDOMAIN3>/IN': adding an RR at
'<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' A
Mar 27 17:03:57 ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2> named[6607]: zone
<DNSZONE>.in-addr.arpa/IN: sending notifies (serial 1490627037)
sending notifies (serial 1490627038)
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[ipa_dyndns_update_send] (0x0400): Performing update
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): reusing cached connection
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [sdap_id_op_destroy]
(0x4000): releasing operation connection
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_is_address]
(0x4000): [<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>] does not look like an IP address
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_dns_query] (0x0100): Trying to resolve A record
of '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' in DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[schedule_request_timeout] (0x2000): Scheduling a timeout of 6 seconds
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[schedule_timeout_watcher] (0x2000): Scheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[unschedule_timeout_watcher] (0x4000): Unscheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_dns_parse] (0x1000): Parsing an A reply
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[request_watch_destructor] (0x0400): Deleting request watch
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [resolv_is_address]
(0x4000): [<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>] does not look like an IP address
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_dns_query] (0x0100): Trying to resolve AAAA
record of '<machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>' in DNS
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[schedule_request_timeout] (0x2000): Scheduling a timeout of 6 seconds
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[schedule_timeout_watcher] (0x2000): Scheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[unschedule_timeout_watcher] (0x4000): Unscheduling DNS timeout watcher
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[request_watch_destructor] (0x0400): Deleting request watch
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_next] (0x0200): No more address families to retry
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[resolv_gethostbyname_next] (0x0100): No more hosts databases to retry
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[sdap_dyndns_addrs_diff] (0x1000): Address on localhost only: -IP2-
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[sdap_dyndns_dns_addrs_done] (0x0400): Detected IP addresses change,
will perform an update
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[nsupdate_msg_create_common] (0x0200): Creating update message for
realm [<DOMAIN>].
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[be_nsupdate_create_fwd_msg] (0x0400): -- Begin nsupdate message --
realm <DOMAIN>
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in A
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in AAAA
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP2-
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP1-
-- End nsupdate message --
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[nsupdate_msg_create_common] (0x0200): Creating update message for
server [ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>] and realm [<DOMAIN>].
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[be_nsupdate_create_fwd_msg] (0x0400): -- Begin nsupdate message --
server ds01.<SUBDOMAIN2>
realm <DOMAIN>
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in A
update delete <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. in AAAA
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP2-
update add <machine>.<SUBDOMAIN3>. 1200 in A -IP1-
-- End nsupdate message --
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [child_handler_setup]
(0x2000): Setting up signal handler up for pid [20631]
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [child_handler_setup]
(0x2000): Signal handler set up for pid [20631]
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [write_pipe_handler]
(0x0400): All data has been sent!
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]]
[nsupdate_child_stdin_done] (0x1000): Sending nsupdate data complete
(Mon Mar 27 17:03:56 2017) [sssd[be[<DOMAIN>]]] [be_nsupdate_args]
(0x0200): nsupdate auth type: GSS-TSIG
Thank you for your help!
I asked question here

Martin Bašti
Software Engineer
Red Hat Czech
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David Goudet
2017-04-19 15:14:19 UTC
Post by Martin Bašti
Post by David Goudet
Nobody has response about my questions?
The main question is: Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS
(option dyndns_update) with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list
or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host DNS entry with these two IP address.
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-
In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?
dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.
Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs enabled on client machine?
IIRC we added this to support multiple interfaces (user can choose
which one to use) and to update both IPv6 (AAAA) and IPv4 (A)
records. IPA/SSSD cannot reliably determine which IP address to use,
it is all or none from interface. With the previous behavior users
want to use different/more addresses than the one which has been
detected from LDAP connection and it was not possible previously.
Do you have set dyndns_iface in sssd.conf?
but to be honest, I forgot why exactly we did this. Martin, do you know?
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?
Only if the IP addresses are of different families (v4/v6), then it's
possible to restrict one of the families.
I asked question here

Thank you for your response.

In sssd.conf parameter dyndns_iface is not defined, we are in case:
Default: Use the IP addresses of the interface which is used for IPA
LDAP connection

This point (dyndns_iface) is ok, every IPs of this interface and only
this interface is updated on IPA host DNS entry.
I use only IPv4, so it is not possible to filter on only one IP
("primary") it is "none" or "all" on one interface.

In my case i see two solutions:
- Split IP "primary" on one interface (bond0 for exemple) and other
virtual IPs on one other interface (bond0.1 or bond1 for exemple)
- Disable dyndns_update functionality on this machine

You confirm, i have no other solutions?
Martin Bašti
2017-04-20 07:25:15 UTC
Post by David Goudet
Post by Martin Bašti
Post by David Goudet
Nobody has response about my questions?
The main question is: Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS
(option dyndns_update) with only IP address "primary" in ip addr
list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on
TCP binding)?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Thanks to dyndns_update=True parameter, SSSD service on client machine updating host DNS entry in FreeIPA.
Everything is fine on machines which have only one IP adress on network interface.
I have problem with machines which have more that one IP address on network interface: if machine have two IP address, SSSD update host DNS entry with these two IP address.
Host have -IP1- and i add -IP2-
ip addr add -IP2-/26 dev em1
em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1496 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
link/ether xxxx
inet -IP1-/26 brd XXXX scope global em1
inet -IP2-/26 scope global secondary em1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
DNS resolution (dig) before restarting sssd returns only -IP1-. After restarting sssd returns -IP1- & -IP2-
In dyndns_update manpage, we have "The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates", what does it means? Is it IP address of the DNS server (used to update the DNS entry)? or is it IP address on client machine used during LDAP TCP bind (-IP1- in my case)?
dyndns_update (boolean)
Optional. This option tells SSSD to automatically update the DNS server built into FreeIPA v2 with the IP address of this client.
The update is secured using GSS-TSIG. The IP address of the IPA LDAP connection is used for the updates, if it is not otherwise
specified by using the “dyndns_iface” option.
Is it normal behaviour that SSSD add in host DNS entry every IPs enabled on client machine?
IIRC we added this to support multiple interfaces (user can choose
which one to use) and to update both IPv6 (AAAA) and IPv4 (A)
records. IPA/SSSD cannot reliably determine which IP address to use,
it is all or none from interface. With the previous behavior users
want to use different/more addresses than the one which has been
detected from LDAP connection and it was not possible previously.
Do you have set dyndns_iface in sssd.conf?
but to be honest, I forgot why exactly we did this. Martin, do you know?
Is it possible to configure SSSD to update DNS with only IP address "primary" in ip addr list or which is used to FreeIPA server communication (-IP1- used on TCP binding)?
Only if the IP addresses are of different families (v4/v6), then it's
possible to restrict one of the families.
I asked question here
Thank you for your response.
Default: Use the IP addresses of the interface which is used for IPA
LDAP connection
This point (dyndns_iface) is ok, every IPs of this interface and only
this interface is updated on IPA host DNS entry.
I use only IPv4, so it is not possible to filter on only one IP
("primary") it is "none" or "all" on one interface.
- Split IP "primary" on one interface (bond0 for exemple) and other
virtual IPs on one other interface (bond0.1 or bond1 for exemple)
- Disable dyndns_update functionality on this machine
You confirm, i have no other solutions?
Well, then you have only choices you wrote. Sorry.
Martin Bašti
Software Engineer
Red Hat Czech