[Freeipa-users] bind-dyndb-ldap replication errors
Brendan Kearney
2017-04-12 12:26:48 UTC
list members,

i am using bind-dyndb-ldap without freeipa, and i consistently get the
below errors in my logs:

update_zone (syncrepl) failed for master zone DN
Zones can be outdated, run `rndc reload`: unexpected error

the zone that has issue varies, but it is always a zone that allows
dynamic updates. it seems that some replication event fails and a
manual resync of things has to be performed. any ideas what might be
going on?

fedora 24, with nearly all recent updates

i have multi master replication configured between 2 masters, and no
other replication events seem to fail. i am not sure where to look for

dynamic-db "bpk2.com" {
library "ldap.so";
arg "uri ldap://";
arg "base cn=dns,ou=Daemons,dc=bpk2,dc=com";

arg "auth_method sasl";
arg "sasl_mech GSSAPI";
arg "sasl_realm BPK2.COM";
arg "krb5_keytab FILE:/etc/named.keytab";
arg "krb5_principal DNS/server1.bpk2.com";
arg "ldap_hostname server1.bpk2.com";

arg "fake_mname dns.bpk2.com.";
arg "dyn_update yes";
arg "connections 2";

zone config:
dn: idnsName=24.168.192.in-addr.arpa.,cn=dns,ou=Daemons,dc=bpk2,dc=com
dnsttl: 3600
idnsallowdynupdate: TRUE
idnsallowquery: any;
idnsallowsyncptr: TRUE
idnsname: 24.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
idnssoaexpire: 604800
idnssoaminimum: 86400
idnssoamname: dns.bpk2.com.
idnssoarefresh: 10800
idnssoaretry: 900
idnssoarname: root.bpk2.com.
idnssoaserial: 1491999811
idnsupdatepolicy: grant dhcp wildcard * any;
idnszoneactive: TRUE
nsrecord: dns.bpk2.com.
objectclass: top
objectclass: idnsZone
objectclass: idnsRecord

any help would be appreciated.


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Tomas Krizek
2017-04-13 08:15:43 UTC
Post by Brendan Kearney
list members,
i am using bind-dyndb-ldap without freeipa, and i consistently get the
update_zone (syncrepl) failed for master zone DN
Zones can be outdated, run `rndc reload`: unexpected error
the zone that has issue varies, but it is always a zone that allows
dynamic updates. it seems that some replication event fails and a
manual resync of things has to be performed. any ideas what might be
going on?
fedora 24, with nearly all recent updates
i have multi master replication configured between 2 masters, and no
other replication events seem to fail. i am not sure where to look
for issues.
You might be able to track down why does the zone update fail if you run
named in the foreground with a higher debug level to see more log messages:

$ sudo -u named named -g -d 50

Then you can check what does bind-dyndb-ldap log before you get the
mentioned error message.
Tomas Krizek

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